Project Summary

- Project
Planning Application for an urban extension - Size
154 acres - Planning Status
Allocated within the Joint Core Strategy - Use
Mixed use development to include 1,100 homes - Partnership
St. Modwen and MLPL
Moore Achievements
Complex negotiation of a hybrid promotion and development agreement through much of 2020, made more challenging by the pandemic.
Full professional team appointed within 4 months of completion following competitive tendering to selected consultants capable of delivering on the partners’ vision and objectives for the development.
Robust planning and consultation strategy drawn up and implemented allowing pre-application advice and public consultation to take place 6 months after the consultant team was appointed.
Well considered landscape led masterplan prepared that mitigated site constraints and optimised opportunities and the net land value.
Regular collaboration meetings were held with the other landowners making up the allocation to allow for an integrated masterplan and coordinated delivery whilst minimising adverse impact on the Partnership’s programme or returns.